Harvesting light energy to power applications
that detect vital signs like breath counts.
BreathOpticsTM is a groundbreaking optical fibre based technology that breathes life into our range of products, from the Sleep-Mat for infants to applications enabling the holistic capture of wellness in Eldercare. Safe, reliable and precise, there is far-reaching potential for BreathOpticsTM to be applied to a new range of intelligent consumer healthcare products to meet critical consumer healthcare needs.
The technology
behind BreathOpticsTM
The technology involves extremely sensitive and resilient optical fibres linked to a sensor control system that detects movements as subtle as the breathing of a newborn or preemie weighing around 2 kg. Optical fibres function like flexible pipes that transmits light. Any minute movement, such as breathing, alters the light path and is immediately detected by a sensor control system. If there is irregular breathing, an alert will be sent to the caregiver via the supporting smartphone app.
Delicate but resilient
Here are some key features about BreathOpticsTM
Independently verified
Independently tested and certified by laboratories around the world, BreathOpticsTM is low-energy in nature and does not involve the emission of any radiation or electromagnetic fields.
It is powered by light and highly sensitive, ensuring that precise breath measurements are always delivered on time.
Thin as human hair
Optical fibres are about the thickness of a strand of human hair and are arranged in bundles to carry light signals and information.
Highly resilient, BreathOpticsTM is a dependable and durable technology and is built on the character of optical fibres which are able to withstand strain, pressure and high temperature.
Our patents, our pride
We believe in protecting the essence of our invention and hold patents as a hallmark of credibility and innovation. Not only does this defend our team’s intellectual property rights, it strengthens the status of our original equipment manufacturer (OEM) customers who believe in the value of what we do.
OSPICON holds the following patents of optical fiber product applications in vital signs sensing [IPOS192558, 201180016383.6, 13111653.0, 10-2012-7032412, 100108937, US-2013-0109931-A1].
Trademarked as BreathOpticsTM technology.
Awards and accolades
Products incorporating the BreathOpticsTM technology has been recognised internationally at the 2011 Wall Street Journal Asian Innovation Awards (Finalist), SheKnows Parenting Innovation Awards (2013), National Parenting Publications Awards (2013), Eco Excellence Awards (2013) and Parents Tested Parents Approved Awards (2013).